Saturday, April 18, 2009

Take the Money and Run @ de Appel

"Take the Money and Run"
3 May — 12 May 2009
Brouwersgracht 196
Opening: Saturday 2 May from 5 pm onwards

Danila Cahen, Nell Donkers and Edna van Duyn i.c.w. Ann Demeester

Sven Augustijnen
Maria Barnas
Erick Beltrán
Barbara Bloom
Monica Bonvicini
Daniel Buren
Maurizio Cattelan
Marlene Dumas
Coleen Fitzgibbon and Robin Winters
Claire Fontaine
Meschac Gaba
Dora García
Liam Gillick
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
Jens Haaning
Christian Jankowski
Job Koelewijn
Harrie de Kroon
Louise Lawler
Ahmet Ögüt
Roman Ondák
Tomo Savić-Gecan
Sean Snyder
Nedko Solakov
Mladen Stilinović
Apolonija Šušteršić
Lawrence Weiner

At the location where Wies Smals initiated de Appel in 1974, thirty artists are reflecting within the context of the auction upon the relationship between the economic and the symbolic value of art. The three curators, members of de Appel’s staff, have invited the artists to make a new work on A4, in which the changed value system within the art world in these times of financial crisis, is being brought up for discussion. After being exhibited, the conceptual works, texts, drawings, promises, understatements, ideas, visions and performances will be part of the “Two in One” auction taking place at Christie’s on 20 May. The project is an empathetic critique from within, in which de Appel and the artists assume the simultaneous role of contemporary collaborator and critical inquirer.


2 May (Opening), 2009, 6 pm: “Tu Aimes, Tu Achètes - You Like, You Buy”
performance of Meschac Gaba realized by Jonathan and Johannes Gaba.
8 May, 2009, 2 pm: “Ongoing Reading Project” of Job Koelewijn
a ‘reading session’ with the artist (45 min.).
20 May Christian Jankowski “Strip the Auctioneer”, between 5 pm. – 8 pm, Christie's

Opening Hours Exhibition: 3-12 May, daily from 2 - 8 pm

Friday, April 10, 2009


Iziko South African National Gallery

Ahmet Ögüt, Chiara Pirito, Cristina Lucas, Erik Olofsen, Fernando Sánchez Cástillo, Francessca Grilli, Im Go Eun, Greg Streak, Guido van der Werve, Jakup Ferri, Kuang Yu Tsui, Marco Pando, Marianne Flotron, Maze de Boer, Meiro Koizumi, Meiya Lin, Michael Blum, Mounira Al Solh, Nicoline van Harskamp, Owen Oppenheimer, Paulien Oltheten, Persijn Broersen / Margit Lukács, Sascha Pohle, Sefer Memisoglu, Siree van der Velde, Sookoon Ang, Zachary Formwalt

The Iziko South African National Gallery is proud to host DIS-EASE: a new generation of video art from the Rijksakademie archives. Taking place from 6 April until 28 June 2009, the video compilation screening reflects on the power of the medium, both in terms of content and articulation, as explored by some twenty-seven artists of seventeen different nationalities.

DIS-EASE was curated by Durban-based artist and curator, Greg Streak, while on a visit to Amsterdam in early 2008. Streak, representing the artist run initiative PULSE, partnered with the Rijksakademie and Bank Gallery, Durban, to produce the show.
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