Eindhoven Caucus
Eindhoven Caucus November
10 NOV - 6 DEC 07
On November 9, 2007 the second phase of the award winning two year project Be[com]ing Dutch started in the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. This successful gathering hosts over forty artists as well as more then sixty internationally renowned speakers that come to Eindhoven during four weeks to form the Eindhoven Caucus. They debate and discuss the questions about art and it's influence on national identity, and set up the conditions for the production of the Be[com]ing Dutch exhibition which will open in the Van Abbemuseum on 24 May 2008.
Eindhoven Caucus
The idea of a Caucus derives from a term from a Native American practice, a very pragmatic form of democracy where the community comes together to discuss the future. The Van Abbemuseum has chosen this concept as inspiration for the second stage of Be[com]ing Dutch because it indicates that the space of the museum is an active space for shared decision-making.
Public Programme
The Public Programme of Eindhoven Caucus consists of a series of lectures an debates on weekends with the most inspiring philosophers, sociologists, writers and artists throughout the world including: Yael Bartana, Abdelkader Benali, Homi Bhabha, Roger Buergel, Sudeep Dasgupta, Catherine David, Igor Dobricic, Galit Eilat, Kodwo Eshun, Paul Gilroy, Boris Groys, Nezha Haffou, Vasıf Kortun, Erden Kosova, Agung Kurniawan, Dieter Lesage, Kobena Mercer, Chantal Mouffe, Tone O. Neilsen, Ahmet Öğüt, Anjalika Sagar, Paul Scheffer, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Artur Zmijewski.
Live stream, blog and more
Limited space is still available for the free public programme during the weekends. Anyone who would like to join can do so, free of charge, via http://www.becomingdutch.com . For people unable to join, the Van Abbemuseum has provided a live stream during the weekend programme, as well as an on demand video archive in the weeks after, both available on the http://www.becomingdutch.nl website. The Van Abbemuseum has also invited 10 student journalists from the Hogeschool Utrecht to write a blog on all the events during the Caucus. Their critical reviews can be followed on http://www.becomingdutch.vanabbe.nl
In 2006 the Van Abbemuseum was announced as winner of the Development Prize for Cultural Diversity by the Mondriaan Foundation for their plan Be[com]ing Dutch. With support of the Culture Programme of the European Union and of Stichting Doen.
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